Wednesday, 15 September 2010

To you Kate Koehler

There you are. You. Yes you. The little girl that used to hug her dog when things went wrong. I said you had Tiger Eyes remember, when we used to eat cup ramen noodles in the high school doorway from white plastic bags? You said ramen with mustard tasted better and I couldn’t agree more. Going to Decades down on 10th Avenue when you told me to make up a “club name”, my first club. You were so smart, always understood everything in class and the fastest typer I have ever met. I could never keep up with you on AIM, MsMojoRsn, Jim Morrison and the Doors enshrined in your heart. Driving in your maroon Toyota Corolla, jamming to 2Pac songs, and making me spastic with giggles when you did crazy that one time, putting on Bath&Body’s Juniper Breeze at a red light, then at the green light smearing the stearing wheel with thick white lotion as you turned. You let me borrow your car for three days and I was so scared I would crash it. I bought a car cover and covered it everyday, you know. Where did we even go in your car? Always driving, that was the best part ... I’ll never forget you, Dear Friend, rest in peace.