Monday, 27 October 2008

Random Thoughts on a Bus...

Wow the trees dumped all of their leaves and I no longer hear the scary "atsuuii, atsuuii, atsuuii" (hot, hot, hot) whine of the cicadas anymore...when did that happen? It was so cold today and the sun went down at 6pm!! Omg isn't there any in-between for summer and winter geez, it was SO freaking hot like 2 weeks ago I swear! Now people are bringing all of these harvested fruits to school...

My teacher gave me a persimmon today...Is a persimmon called a persimmon because it tastes kind of like a pear with cinnamon? I tried to teach my town office persimmon today and it came out pelsimmon....

The Japanese usually replace L for R and R for L, so when talking about the upcoming US elections, replace the L with an R in "election" and see what you get ... I have to admit it is PRETTY entertaining to hear about "the most important election of the century" and "the big election" when spoken by a Japanese speaker. Immature I know... you try keeping a straight face...

Speaking of speech difficulties, when speaking English, the mouth is wider and the tongue does alot of acrobatics. I didn't realize how acrobatic English speakers' tongues are until now when I am teaching phonics to the young and old. I always have to open my mouth and show people what my tongue is doing. Does that means our tongues are stronger? Are we better kissers? Lol

my favorite kanji character right now is "mori" which means forest because it looks like three sparkles attached together to make one massive sparkling word "Mori". It is so pretty, maybe I should be mori for favorite English word is still bubble...I wonder what that looks like in kanji....

and I arrived! The End.