Wednesday, 5 November 2008

OBAMA Christmas!

Is it Christmas?
My ears ring of peace on earth and goodwill to all men from all corners of the globe. "On this morning, we all want to be American so we can take a bite of this dream unfolding before our eyes." (French leader)
What happened to the days in Spain when I was afraid to admit that I was American, trying to avoid the question like every other American student?
Peace and hope... Goodwill to Men
That's all I hear in Japan and echoed in the international TV, radio, and from everyone, foreigners and Japanese here. Japan is showing Obama over and over, cut with American heroes MLK, JFK, Roosevelt. The TV is chanting "Hope", "Change" and "Yes we can", on shots the world over. All I have seen everyday on TV is Obama, political and economic news from all over the US and the world. I see everything you see and more from ALL OVER the US; so does the rest of the world perhaps... I see the political controversies and political commercials. It's crazy!
Joyful all Ye Nations Rise... Join the Triumph
The fact of the matter is that the world embraced Obama as one of their own:
-Kenyans danced in the streets and declared a public holiday when Obama won
-Indonesian children were kissing cut-outs of Obama
-Spain- made a ENORMOUS 2.5 acre portrait of Obama out of gravel and sand
-Obama, Japan- made Obama Burgers and Obama noodles and had an "Obama celebration party"
-Locals the world over celebrated with American citizens when Obama won.

Why do they care?
Because what we do affects their daily lives.

Do you realize the power we have?
Do you realize the responsibility we have?
Do you realize yet that we are Rome?