Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Typhoon 18

Dear Typhoon 18 (aka Typhoon Melor),
I am so mad at you that I am going to call you Drizzle 18 (aka Typhoon Mellow). My work gave me the afternoon off to prepare for you and I was so excited to meet you. I got out my video camera, tested it, unblocked my view, took things off my balcony that might fly. I made sure I knew locations of dry food, flashlights, got water, etc. I did all this, and even considered filling my bathtub with water. And yet, you declined my careful preparation and decided not to come. Why don't you like Kumamoto? We tried to welcome you with open arms. Every news channel had reports about you. People were buying tape and canceling work, after-school activities, etc because of you. Numerous charts of your journey were being googled, printed and shown. Yet, you declined to turn up and go east instead. The only indication of your presence was slightly more wind. Not even rain. For this, I hope you pitter out soon, and thanks to you,  I will welcome your successor with much less fervor. I hope you're happy.
Forever disappointed,