Monday, 30 November 2009


I realized that somewhere along the way, I fell off the planet and landed in a book. My Japanese grammar book introduces grammar through the lives of cartoon characters. I am starting to refer to Noriko and Maria by their first names (greeting grammar), and feeling sorry for Carlos who is in love with Noriko (expressing upsetness grammar). But Noriko is secretely in love with Peter I think because he taught (how-to grammar )her how to ride a bike. I was there for Maria's first job even (polite speech). Also, there is this mean little Japanese man who yells (imperative) Japanese orders them. I can picture it perfectly. It's like a soap opera and hopefully it will help me retain what I need to pass this freaking test! I have been studying so much, I almost forgot I was in Japan. I am in Grammarland with Noriko, Peter, Carlos and Maria.  Yesterday, Noriko tried to eat moldy bread (become grammar), and Maria saved her. It was so good, so good. You should come sometime to Grammarland. Carlos is hot (adjectives), and tomorrow is Christmas (5 senses grammar)! I wonder if Noriko will like him (expressing desire) next week?
 6 days til the Japanese Language Proficiency Test! Whoo!