Monday, 24 May 2010

Pay It Forward is from Japan

Yesterday I was given a huge bag of about 25 pieces of bakery assorted bread. I can’t believe how generous people are! I am constantly getting carrots (I live in a town famous for carrot breeding), vegetables, candy, bread and chocolate. I have been given chopsticks, face towels, knick-knacks, blankets and snacks. This is like an everyday thing; I am not kidding. The day before I was given a bottle of wine. The day before I was given a collection of manga to read. I could probably name something everyday. When Nico was here, I gave him the loot (chocolate, bread, candy, coffee, cookies) that I couldn’t eat for lent. He thought it was incredible. I still have a couple boxes of candy/chocolate that I couldn’t eat. I also constantly giving things away, it’s catchy. Have you seen Pay It Forward? I think Japan made that movie.