Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Upon returning

So, hisashiburi desu yo. It's been awhile since I've written on my blog and I apologize but I've been editing videos and that takes hours! Some highlights of stuffing friends/family in a tiny 3 week box (drumroll please):

1) Saw my brother's graduation, godson's birthday and my siblings!
2)Was shocked that I wasn't the least bit reverse culture shocked
3) Bowed to people unintentionally, sorry it's a habit now
4) Argh! I am annoyed that I say sorry a lot more in English, I am translating from Japanese
5) Casa Bonita! 
6) #4 doesn't count, so #5 is that I saw my brother Josh's thesis on the impact of smells in choosing a mate

I loved being home and I miss it already.  I noticed some things when I came back to Japan. I got off the 23 hours of travel, stepped outside and inhaled Japan's familiar heavy, musky, sweet smell. It's the smell of an island, indescribable, but different. I am used to it now, so I can't smell it anymore, but I remember the feeling that came with the smell. It felt like coming home, back to my apartment, my kids, and my life. Strange, but it reinforced my decision to stay for another year or two. See Josh, I learned something from your thesis :) 
I was quarantined for a week in my apartment in case I had the H1N1 Flu and didn't go to any densely populated places like the mall. In fact, on the plane we were all scanned with infrared (to see if anyone had a temperature), made to answer a 10 question sickness test and every single passenger was inspected before leaving. It was ridiculous, I am so glad no one on my plane was sick, or I might have been quarantined in Tokyo. Oh Japan, you are too much sometimes!  A video will be coming soon to a blog near you!