Crazy story. So yesterday a junior high girl asked me, "What animal do I look like?" At first I thought I misunderstood or something, so I had her repeat it. Then we brought the teacher in on the conversation and the teacher repeated, "What kind of animal does she look like?" WHAA!? How do I answer that question? I don't generally classify people into animal groups, so I didn't have an answer for her. Animals don't look like people! Unless the owner and the animal are both old and have lived together forever, then MAYBE.... So I asked my teacher about it, and she said friends sometimes tell each other they look like ____ animal. So I decided to try it today. I told her, "You like like a panther." (Since she was wearing Puma brand, lol) She just laughed, so I asked her, "What do I look like?" And she said, "You look like a horse." WHHAAATT!! I almost died of entertainment shock, I was SO amused. A HORSE!! I asked her, "Why?" She said because my hair was in a french braid and it reminded her of a horse. So therefore I look like a horse. Hmm, I think if I were to run with this horse idea, I would be an Arabian stallion because stallion is a cool word and I love anything Arabic. As a side note, Arabian stallions are powerful, intelligent and spirited. Yay me! What animal do you look like?