Wednesday, 11 March 2009

I scream for IceCreamChocoBread

So did I tell you I gave up chocolate, bread, and ice cream (milk) for Lent? This past weekend at a Japanese bingo party (lol), I saw my ultimate temptation: Chocolate covered bread topped with creamy ice cream! It was calling my name over and over: Eat me! Cassandra eat me! Good thing I was distracted by matchmaking friends or it would have been hard to ignore its beckoning. This bingo party was pretty cool, we had to write names of the people we met in the bingo squares and then our names were randomly called out and of course we had to get a bingo. So if the name was Yuki, I had to confirm with a Japanese speaker that it was Yuki and not Yuuki or Miyuki or something that I couldnt quite catch. I didn't win any of the bingo prizes, but after the bingo game was over, I realized I had a bingo. ARRGHH!! If only I could understand faster! Oh well, someone gave me their coffee prize (yay) so I was happy. Afterwards we went to a karaoke bar, and my friend's co-workers were SO excited to talk to a foreigner. One guy said he had never talked to a foreigner before and was entertained that Bob Marley was NOT pronounced Bobo Mururee. Another guy was using his cell phone to talk to me; he got the dictionary to speak English and would put the phone to my ear to listen. When it stopped working, as technology inevitably does when needed most, he asked my friend to translate what it said on the phone for me IN ENGLISH. He forgot that communication isn't always verbal. I laughed when I saw that and told him, "Hey, I can read." He laughed when he realized how not smart that was. I was a little tired though, since the night before we had gone to a big city called Fukuoka, getting back at 9 am that morning. It was a blast drinking wine, eating birthday cake on the train and entertaining the attendant. Dancing all night at normal-ish bars not feeling so stared at was also a relief. It must be SO HARD to be a star; I would NEVER want to be famous. You always have to be "on", and there's no such thing as running to the store in your pajamas. I almost want to wear huge glasses and a big floppy hat like I've seen done in LA. But then I would stand out even more (*sigh*). Good times in Japan.