Monday, 2 March 2009
Stupid Trainpole!
Did I mention that a trainpole hit my car as I was going over the traintracks the other day? Is it a trainpole? I don't know that that yellow-and-black-bar-of-obnoxiousness's real name is, but I think trainpole is a good a name as any. There weren't any red flashing lights or noises going off, by the way, before I crossed the tracks. I semi-ducked in my car to avoid the trainpole, but it hit my car anyway, even though I was going as fast as I could over the tracks. I have NEVER seen a trainpole hit a car before. I wish I could have seen it from the Japanese-guy-whose-eyeballs-were-about-to-pop-watching-me's perspective. The warning signals and the trainpole came down at the same time. How stupid is that!! Stupid Trainpole! I wish I could hit you too! I think you did it on purpose just to embarrass me!