Wednesday, 13 August 2008


The bugs here are UNREAL. Spiders as big as my hand, cicadas and roaches as big a my pinkie, grasshopper things (?) as big as 3/4 of the length of my forearm. It's scary and kimoi and I dont like it one bit. I killed a beetle/roach thing as big as my ring finger with a PAN since it was so huge and I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night. It gives me chills even writing about it. If I see a massive hairy spider, bigger than my hand, I think I won't sleep for a month. I dont even want to think about how I would ever kill something as big as my hand. Japanese people don't kill spiders, which are seen as protectors, and Westerners are warned not to kill spiders in front of Japanese people. Spiders are simply "shooed"outside. My goal would be to shoo it right off my 9-story porch. Mission accomplished, cultural blow-up averted.