Foreigners are like red flags in Japan, scratch that, foreigners are like neon flashing signs that are ever present and are a point of focus for both Japanese and foreigners alike. I even find myself unintentionally picking out foreigners like a Where's Waldo comic, wondering what are they doing and where are they from, and how long have they been her. It's so funny how quickly I can pick a foreigner out from a mile away by the way they walk, hold their head,and of course by the way they look (I'm sure I could pick myself out too). There are two types of foreigners: 1) Foreigners who realize they're foreigners and 2) Foreigners who don't.
Type One Foreigner always semi-bow or semi-smile at you as you're walking by saying: "Hey you, I know you. You're a foreigner, I'm a foreigner, I know what you're going through and I realize that although we haven't met, we have a lot in common. Ganbarette kudasai."
Type 2 Foreigner doesn't bow or lookat you, but if they happen to catch you glancing at them, their look says, "Hey, I don't know you, nor do i want to. You're a foreigner, I'm NOT a foreigner, I've lived here for XX years and I don't want to be affiliated with you outsiders. I am Japanese and I only associate with Japanese people (even though I'm a tall redhead and clearly wasn't born here)."
I don't understand why I feel that they are so rude when we don't acknowledge each other, it's not like it matters in any other country. Hmmm...
Anyhow so I was shocked to see the first other foreigner in my town of Kikuyo besides my Candian buildingmate. I was pretty much convinced that their weren't any other foreigners in my town. So when we first saw each other in the dark across the street, we just stared for a few seconds in shock.Then, Mr.Blonde dont-look-at-me-like-you-know-me practically ran to the back of the supermarket in order to not acknowledge me while I stared in shock for a few more seconds. He warned me wordlessly, "This is my town, and although you just invaded it, I'm going to pretend like this little incident didn't happen. So as long as you just turn around and leave by the time I buy my food, I'll forgive you."
I just laughed and told him in my head, "Ha, you just went to the bread/cheese section at the back of the supermarket. You are a foreigner just like I thought. Gaijin! Now this is my town, I renamed it K-town and I belong here too."