Gaijin: the not-so-politically correct word to talk about foreigners (s/b: gai-KO-KU-jin)
Henna: weird
Translation: You do not want to be henna gaijin.
All foreigners are asked tons of questions, of course, but some questions deal with very personal issues and border on ahem...outright rudeness (for Westerners). I've come to believe this battery of intense questioning is asked to test the henna-ness of each gaijin in order to place them into a specific category as a point of reference. This litmus test also helps establish a personal connection, cutting through all inherent henna-ness of each gaijin to make them seem more human (lol). The questions that I'm usually asked are very interesting:
How old are you? Are you the oldest or youngest? What is your blood type? What is your horoscope? Why is your hair black? Is your hair naturally curly? Do you have a boyfriend? Oh you're from Kororado (Colorado)! Kororado Rockies, blah-blah Ichiro-san is on that team (Japanese guy on the Rockies team and I had no idea). Oh you're Su-panish (Spanish) then you know how to dance? You must be very passionate.
Although I happen to know how to dance, I doubt that's a pre-requisite for being Spanish. Never mind my other races, lol. But this seems to explain why I have dark hair that's naturally curly and everyone is satisfied that allis well with the world since I fit in a nice, neat, organized box. Yes the picture makes sense now. For a scary second there, the world almost got flipped over since I come from the US and I'm short, without blonde hair and light eyes and no boyfriend...
Could it be? HENNA GAIJIN!! dun, dun, dun!Oh no, I fit in somewhere,I'm not an X-File, phew, close call!